Today is the Day I Mourn My Thigh Gap...
" The thigh gap is a diamond-shaped gap between the thighs that is visible when a woman is standing upright with her feet together. The thigh gap obsession is an alarming new trend focused on achieving and maintaining this space between the thighs, and it’s particularly prevalent among females who are in their teens through their early 20s." - Winnie Ma from Her Campus . . . Once upon a time lived an adolescent girl, aged 14, whom had just entered the world of fitspo, thinspiration, clean eating, and striving towards "the way skinny feels". This 14 year old girl was bombarded with endless 'motivational' weight loss pictures and workout schemes, reminding her that nothing is better than a thigh gap, her level of self-worth is reliant on how she looks, and worst of all, how she is not worthy of any happiness until she loses at least 5 kilos in the next 2 weeks. This young woman then decided this ideology that thinness, her appearance and most import...