
Today is the Day I Mourn My Thigh Gap...

" The thigh gap is a diamond-shaped gap between the thighs that is visible when a woman is standing upright with her feet together. The thigh gap obsession is an alarming new trend focused on achieving and maintaining this space between the thighs, and it’s particularly prevalent among females who are in their teens through their early 20s." -   Winnie Ma from  Her Campus . . .  Once upon a time lived an adolescent girl, aged 14, whom had just entered the world of fitspo, thinspiration, clean eating, and striving towards "the way skinny feels". This 14 year old girl was bombarded with endless 'motivational' weight loss pictures and workout schemes, reminding her that nothing is better than a thigh gap, her level of self-worth is reliant on how she looks, and worst of all, how she is not worthy of any happiness until she loses at least 5 kilos in the next 2 weeks. This young woman then decided this ideology that thinness, her appearance and most import...

People's Expectations of You Literally Mean Nothing

People expect many things from you. Your parents expect you to act a certain way, they expect you to achieve certain goals. Your friends most likely expect you to speak to them in a certain way, to hang out with them a certain way. You are constantly expected to fit and attain a certain image that other people have made for you. But do they ever ask what you expect of yourself, and if they do will they really be happy if you say you expect yourself to be something completely different to their already constructed version of who you are meant to be? Of course they don't, they don't really care what you think because their opinion is right. Right? Now I know it sounds quite ludacris to say that the people who love you will be disappointed if you follow what YOU really WANT to do, but in many cases this is the reality. I know that when I shy away from what other people expect of me I get given the, "I'm really disappointed in you," "You could do so much be...

The Destructive Force of Diet Culture

How many times have you heard your friend/parent/partner say to you, "I have been so bad today! I had pizza for lunch! I feel so guilty! I will definitely have to work twice as hard at the gym tonight to burn that off!!!" ? Or how about, "Can you believe I've gained weight!? Guess who is only going to be eating salad for a month..." ? Or what about this, "I am so fat....why can't I be as thin as this woman/man on Instagram?" ? I have no doubt that you have heard something along these lines at least once today and I have no doubt that these comments have entered your psyche in such a way that it is making you wonder, "Hey, maybe I am not that thin either, maybe I need to go on a diet...I should probably go to the gym tonight as well, you know, to burn some calories." This is diet culture and diet culture is one of the most damaging social constructions towards our mental health as it tells us constantly that our level of self-worth is ba...

Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice - Welcome to Sugar Maddy !!!

Well well well hellooooo Ladies and Gentleman, First of all, I would just like to thank you all so much for visiting my new blog! Your support and kindness means the absolute world to me so thank you. Secondly, boy oh boy is it terrifying to finally be back here after such a long, but much needed, time apart (RIP Fresh Whipp). And thirdly, for those of you who don’t know me just yet, my name is Maddy and I am most likely the lamest person you will ever come across. My story is not so special. The last five years have been an emotional and physical roller-coaster consumed by moments of anxiety, laughter, starvation, happiness, conformity, exclusion, love and fear. To say it has been rough is an understatement, but to say it hasn’t been the time of my life, would be a lie. My mental health began to deteriorate at the age of 14 where vigorous exercise and the shrinking of my body to become as small as it could be was my reason to get up every day. At the age of 16, I finally real...